[QScintilla] Determining sysbol width of font

Andrei hlamer at tut.by
Fri Mar 14 20:06:59 GMT 2008


I has a problems with QScintilla-gpl-2.2.1-snapshot-20080306/ on Qt4.3.2, KDE 
3.5.8, kubuntu linux 7.10

Cursor drawing not in the place, where it's actualy are. Possible it's some 
problems with determining symbol width.
And when I selecting text, width of some letters is increasing.

It's often reproducing for me, but I can't explain system, when bug is 
appearing, and when isn't.

I using Bitstream Vera Sans font size 11
Problem disappeared, when I switched to another font. 

Before QScintilla updating all was OK, so I don't know, do it problem of my 
system or QScintilla.

Monkey Developer Studio

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