[QScintilla] Using python strings with SendScintilla

Baz Walter bazwal at ftml.net
Sun Nov 9 15:19:26 GMT 2008

Phil Thompson wrote:
> There's no problem with adding something like...
> const char *QsciScintilla::rawText() const;
> void QsciScintilla::setRawText(const char *text);

please ignore my other reply to this post. i have just realised that 
python 2.6 now has bytearray objects. so my original method becomes:

     def range(self, start, end, decode=True):
         bytes = bytearray(end - start)
         self.SendScintilla(QSB.SCI_GETTEXTRANGE, start, end, bytes)
         if decode:
             return bytes.decode('utf8')
         return bytes # or str(bytes)

given that, it looks like the proposed rawText methods won't be needed 
as you've already solved my initial problem by providing support for 
python 2.6!

Baz Walter

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