[QScintilla] QScintilla feature request for next release

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Nov 16 17:30:37 GMT 2008

On Sonntag, 16. November 2008, Phil Thompson wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 17:29:43 +0100, Detlev Offenbach
> <detlev at die-offenbachs.de> wrote:
> > Hi Phil,
> >
> > line 2742 of qsciscintilla.cpp should read
> >
> >
> > That way a notification is sent, when the text needs some styling. That
> > would
> > enable me to connect an alternative syntax highlighter to provide more
> > styling (e.g. for Django). That change shouldn't affect anithing and I
> > would
> > like to get it in the next release.
> Ok.
> Can you confirm that the multi-byte character regression is fixed?

It seems so. At least the files showing the problem before don't do that 

Maybe the above change can be implemented differently.

In the first part of "if (lex)" check for lex->lexer() == "container". If so, 
do "SendScintilla(SCI_SETLEXER, SCLEX_CONTAINER);" and if not 
do "SendScintilla(SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE, lex->lexer());" with all the 
following code for both.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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