[QScintilla] Problem with Debug-Mode in Visual C++ 9.0: Application does not launch.

Timo R. borntobenameless at online.de
Tue Sep 9 11:58:29 BST 2008


I compiled QScintilla2 (Downloaded: QScintilla-gpl-2.2.zip) for Qt4 on  
windows with Visual C++ 2008/9.0 (Express) like it's said in the docs:

nmake install

It compiled well without a warning, and i could compile the  
example-application without any problems, too.
I can compile it in debug and in release mode. There is no problem in  
release mode, but if i try to launch it in debug mode, the application  
exits imediately with exit code 1 (0x1).
I could not find anything helpfull using Google and so on. Maybe i am the  
first wo trys to use QScintilla2 with VC++ 9.0?

Thanks for any hints or suggestions which help me solving my problem.

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