[QScintilla] QScintilla lexers for Scintilla lexers

Gilles Depeyrot gsd at dolphin.fr
Fri Jul 31 11:46:02 BST 2009


We need to use some additional Scintilla lexers, in particular Spice and 
Verilog, that are not yet encapsulated into QScintilla classes.

Is there any documentation on how to create a QScintilla class for an 
existing Scintilla lexer?
Any tips?

Best regards,

Gilles Depeyrot - MEDAL Business Manager

DOLPHIN Integration
"The Enabler of mixed signal Systems-on-Chip"
BP 65 Inovallée F-38240 Meylan FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)476 41 74 01
Fax: +33 (0)476 90 29 65
mailto:gsd at dolphin-integration.com

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