[QScintilla] bug in QsciScintilla::markerDeleteAll

Gedalia Pasternak gedalia at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 18:20:21 BST 2010

Not sure if this has been fixed in a recent build but I'm getting weird
behavior if I create and then delete lots of markers with markerDeleteAll().
(I wind up with many markers in the code folding margin)

I think *allocatedMarkers *not being reset is the problem.

// Delete a marker from the text.
void QsciScintilla::markerDeleteAll(int mnr)
    if (mnr <= MARKER_MAX)
        if (mnr < 0){
            SendScintilla(SCI_MARKERDELETEALL, -1);
*            allocatedMarkers = 0;
*        }
        else if (allocatedMarkers & (1 << mnr))
            SendScintilla(SCI_MARKERDELETEALL, mnr);

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