[QScintilla] autoCompletionFillups is not working

Bruno Lima bslima19 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 15:31:58 BST 2010

I setup a lexer that extends the HTML one.
Everything works great except the autoCompletionFillups.
I reemplimented the default implementation in QsciLexer:

const char *QsciLexerNCL::autoCompletionFillups() const {

    return "/>";


But when i choose the word in the autoCompletetion list the fillup is not
appended to the text.
Anyone has an ideia why ?

Thanks for any help.

Bruno Seabra Mendonça Lima
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UFMA
Mestrando da PUC-Rio
Pesquisador Laboratório Telemidia (PUC-Rio)
Pesquisador Colaborador LAWS (UFMA)
Pesquisador/Desenvolvedor Intacto Software
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