[QScintilla] Keeping Caret line without focus

Roberto Gerson rg.albuquerque at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 16:02:32 GMT 2011

Hi Phil,

I have simulated the required behavior with the following code
(textEdit is my QsciScintilla based class):

textEdit->setCursorPosition(line, 0);
textEdit->SendScintilla(QsciScintilla::SCI_SETFOCUS, true);

Thanks a lot!

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Phil Thompson
<phil at riverbankcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 17:46:27 -0200, Roberto Gerson
> <rg.albuquerque at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I have an XML Editor Widget based on QScintilla working fine. Also, I
> have
> > a
> > TreeWidget that shows the elements from that XML document.
> >
> > Additionally, I am able to specify when the user selects (through mouse)
> an
> > element in the TreeView, the QScintilla will show the line that element
> is
> > in the document.
> >
> > So, my problem is: when the user selects the treeview, focus goes to
> that
> > treeview and QScintilla don't show caret line anymore. Are there any
> simple
> > way to keep the caret line, even the qscintilla is not focused anymore ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> That's the behaviour of the underlying Scintilla code.
> You could use QsciScintilla::setCaretLineVisible(true) when you lose the
> focus, and clear it when you get the focus back.
> Phil

Roberto Gerson de Albuquerque Azevedo (http://laws.deinf.ufma.br/~roberto)
Mestre em Informática - Puc-Rio
Pesquisador - Laboratório Telemídia (http://www.telemidia.puc-rio.br)

Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UFMA
Pesquisador - Laws - Laboratory of Advanced Web Systems - UFMA
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