[QScintilla] findFirst with forward=false doesn't keep finding

Christopher Pow christopher_pow at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 24 05:05:17 BST 2011

I have some code that calls findFirst over and over again.  As long as I set forward to true it finds the next, next, next, ... on subsequent calls like you would expect [I don't use findNext].  If I set forward to false it remains where it is, it refuses to find previous unless I un-highlight the found text.  Even then it will only find previous once, it won't keep going.  Am I using findFirst wrong?  It seems it's finding the same text which probably means the cursor is positioned at the end of the previously found/selected text.  I verified this by using getCursorPosition and adjusting the returned index by -1 and passing that index to findFirst().  That makes both forward/backward searches work but seems a bit hokey.

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