[QScintilla] Syntax highlights

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Dec 19 16:55:07 GMT 2013

On 19-12-2013 4:15 pm, Brian Ho wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed QScintilla (without PyQt5 installed).  Run example & use
> with my commercial license Qt 5.2.0 in Linux.  Why it does not
> highlight (color) my C++ code,  only black & white?  Where can I find
> examples to use with Qt apps?

If you mean the example that comes with QScintilla then it doesn't 
install a lexer. You need to create an instance of QSciLexerCPP and pass 
it to QSciScintilla::setLexer().

> I would like to buy a license.  What package I should buy to use with
> my Qt 5.2.0?

It's bundled with PyQt.


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