[QScintilla] Search Whole Word matches Only on regular expression symbol

Baz Walter bazwal at ftml.net
Thu Oct 10 18:06:31 BST 2013

On 10/10/13 01:29, Han Lun Tan wrote:
> Hi,
> I using FindFirst to do search, turn on wo = true to search for whole word matches only.
> However, I found some bug as below text
> Known that I have turned on ONLY wo = true for whole word matches.
> Given I have text as below, I search for "$test" It returns nothing.
> ($test)
> ($test)
> ($test)
> If I change my search text to "test", I can find all the 3 lines results.
> Is this a bug ? Any workaround?

It's not a bug: by default, "$" won't be counted as a word character. 
However, it is possible to change the set of characters that Scintilla 
treats as word-characters (and also what is treated as whitespace and 

At the moment, I don't think QScintilla provides a way to do this 
through the high-level api. (It is possible to re-implement the 
QSciLexer wordCharacters function, but I think this will only directly 
affect auto-completion). Instead, you could try setting the 
word-characters through the low-level api, i.e.:

     SendScintilla(SCI_SETWORDCHARS, characters)

Note that setting the word-characters in this way will change the 
behaviour of Scintilla in several ways, not just finding text. For 
instance, double-clicking a word to select it will include any new 
characters you have added.

For more info, see the Scintilla docs:


And also the QsciScintillaBase docs:


Baz Walter

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