[QScintilla] Custom Lexer based on QscilexerCPP

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Mon Jul 14 23:01:30 BST 2014

On 14/07/2014 7:24 pm, Steve Lamperti wrote:
> Phil,
> Thanks for the response.  I started to look into going down that path,
> and quickly found myself feeling like after I make a copy of lexCPP
> with a new name, I need to rebuild QScintilla with that new file it
> it, and then add new constants to several of the other files in
> QScintilla, (SCLEX_XXX, SCLEX_XXNOCASE), and make other modifications
> as well.  This starts feeling like I may be doing more then I need to
> to do this.
> If there is a way you could point me toward some doc that talks about
> this?  Or perhaps if there is no specific doc, maybe you could create
> a short list with points like  1) Copy LexCPP.cpp, 2) Add SCLEX_XXX
> contstants, 3) whatever I should be thinking about next.
> The implication of your 'the first thing to do is copy LexCPP.cpp is
> that there are second, third, and more things, and maybe a quick list
> of those things might be enough to get me up and running.
> One thing I tried doing was removing the other lexers, as I don't
> think I need them, but please let me know if this is unnecessary.

This is all Scintilla stuff and not QScintilla specific. You could try 
the Scintilla mailing list.


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