[QScintilla] hotspot error on Linux

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Sun Sep 7 16:07:07 BST 2014

On 06/09/2014 5:58 pm, Matic Kukovec wrote:
> On 3.9.2014 17:19, Phil Thompson wrote:
>> On 25/08/2014 10:50 am, Matic Kukovec wrote:
>>> As for the hotspot API, I think something like the indicators use
>>> would be the best and the most consistent.
>>> Scintilla uses only a single hotspot, so if adding multiple styles is
>>> not an option, scratch that idea.
>>> Setting up a hotspot style:
>>>    int        setHotspotForeColor(QColor color, int hotspotNumber)
>>>    QColor hotspotForeColor(int hotspotNumber)
>>>    int        sethotspotForeColorEnabled(bool useForegroundColor, int
>>>    hotspotNumber)
>>>    bool     hotspotForeColorEnabled(int hotspotNumber)
>>>    int        setHotspotBackColor(bool useBackgroundColor, QColor
>>>    color, int hotspotNumber)
>>>    QColor hotspotBackColor(int hotspotNumber)
>>>    int        sethotspotBackColorEnabled(bool useBackgroundColor, int
>>>    hotspotNumber)
>>>    bool     hotspotBackColorEnabled(int hotspotNumber)
>>>    int        setHotspotUnderline(bool underline, int hotspotNumber)
>>>    bool     hotspotUnderline(int hotspotNumber)
>>>    int        setHotspotSingleLine(bool singleLine, int 
>>> hotspotNumber)
>>>    bool     hotspotSingleLine(int hotspotNumber)
>> I've added setHotspotForegroundColor(), resetHotspotForegroundColor(), 
>> setHotspotBackgroundColor() and resetHotspotBackgroundColor() which 
>> are similar to how the selection foreground and background are 
>> handled.
>> I've also added setHotspotUnderline() and setHotspotWrap(). Note that 
>> these are all global - Scintilla doesn't support different values for 
>> different styles.
>>> Styling with a hotspot:
>>>    fillHotspotRange(int lineFrom, int indexFrom, int lineTo, int
>>>    indexTo, int hotspotNumber)
>>>    clearHotspotRange(int lineFrom, int indexFrom, int lineTo, int
>>>    indexTo, int hotspotNumber)
>> Hotspots are implemented as styles and the normal way to apply a style 
>> is via a lexer. If you use calls like the above and you have a lexer 
>> installed then they are going to fight about what the style of 
>> individual characters should be. If you don't have a lexer installed 
>> than you can write a QsciLexerCustom sub-class that will apply a 
>> QsciStyle with hotspot enabled wherever you want. Using the custom 
>> lexer also has the advantage that Scintilla decides what needs styling 
>> and when according to how the user is moving around and updating the 
>> document.
>> Given that, do you still need something like fillHotspotRange()?
>> Phil
> That is brilliant Phil, thanks!
> Using styles to set the hotspot is already good enough, no need for
> fillHotspotRange/clearHotspotRange.
> Will try it out.
> Also, is there an efficient way of opening large binary files (up to
> 1Gb) without any styling?
> Example:
>    binary_text = open(file,'rb').read()
>    decoded_text = binary.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
>    scintilla.setLexer(None)
>    scintilla.setText(decoded_text)
> I tried opening a 600MB file with the above example and the setText
> method spikes RAM usage
> to around 5GB and then returns to a normal 1.8GB.
> Is there a more efficient way of reading large files, maybe in chunks
> or something similar?

You could try QSciScintilla.read() which will avoid conversions to 
Python strings. QScintilla is a programmers editor and not intended to 
handle such large files.


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