[QScintilla] QScintilla v2.9 QsciLexerCustom margin behaviour?

Matic Kukovec matic.kukovec at pametnidom.si
Tue Apr 14 18:04:03 BST 2015

On 14.4.2015 18:48, Phil Thompson wrote:
> On 07/04/2015 9:53 pm, Matic Kukovec wrote:
>> On 7.4.2015 21:58, Phil Thompson wrote:
>>> On 07/04/2015 8:18 pm, Matic Kukovec wrote:
>>>> On 5.4.2015 13:36, Phil Thompson wrote:
>>>>> On 04/04/2015 5:38 pm, Matic Kukovec wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>>>> The number margin background color turns white when applying a 
>>>>>> QsciLexerCustom.
>>>>>> If the document is opened with a built-in lexer or without a lexer,
>>>>>> the number margin color is the default gray.
>>>>>> Is this the correct behaviour? This didn't happen in the previous 
>>>>>> version.
>>>>> Should be fixed in tonight's snapshot.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Phil
>>>> Tried the last two snapshots and the number margin is still white on a
>>>> QsciLexerCustom.
>>>> Just to let you know.
>>> The change I made fixed it for me. Make sure you are really using 
>>> the updated snapshot. If so send me a short, complete application 
>>> that demonstrates the problem.
>>> Phil
>> Hey Phil,
>> Here is an example. You can switch lexers in lines 37/38. Line 37 has
>> the white margin.
>> I'm on Windows 7 64-bit using snapshot 'eb936ad1f826' with Python3.4
>> 64-bit and PyQt4.11.3.
>> Oh, I just realized I should mention that I'm only compiling
>> QScintilla, not the entire PyQt4!
>> Compiled the source and just overwrote the 'qscintilla2.dll' in
>> 'Python34\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4'.
> You need to provide a proper reimplementation of description(), ie. 
> one that only returns a non-empty string for valid styles.
> Phil

That did it!
Thanks Phil.


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