[QScintilla] Scrolling content of QScintilla viewport

fulcrumusa at aim.com fulcrumusa at aim.com
Sat Jul 18 00:54:14 BST 2015

> You could try the low level SCI_LINESCROLL...

Hi Phil,

Thank you
for the suggestion. I did try that (after digging through the
QScintilla code because SF.net is down :)).

While I can scroll the text, I am getting somewhat
inconsistent behavior from QScintilla editor even without scrolling.

I have the following code now:

        self.file = QFile(filename)
        if not self.file.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly):
            print "Error opening file", filename

        size = self.editor.viewport().frameSize()
        font = self.lexer.defaultFont(0)
        fontmetrics = QFontMetrics(font)
        print "viewport size %u, line spacing: %u" % \
              (size.height(), fontmetrics.lineSpacing())
        num_lines = size.height() / fontmetrics.lineSpacing()
        print "number of lines on screen %d" % num_lines
        scroll_by_lines = (num_lines / 2)
        self.editor.SendScintilla(Qsci.QsciScintilla.SCI_GOTOLINE, line)
        #self.editor.setSelection(line - 1, 0, line, 0)
        print "scrolling by %d lines" % scroll_by_lines
        #self.editor.SendScintilla(Qsci.QsciScintilla.SCI_LINESCROLL, 0,
        #                                   scroll_by_lines)

As you can see, I use the raw SCI_GOTOLINE command to put the
editor at the desired line. However, the line is not always visible as the
documentation says it should be. If the viewport is small, the line is just
below the visible area.
If it is large, the target line is always 6 lines from the bottom of the viewable

Furthermore, regardless of how big I resize the editor widget to,
self.editor.viewport().frameSize() always returns the same size.

How does QScintilla determine the size of the viawable are?

- Mitko

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