[QScintilla] error during installation process

Tim Smith tim at tim-smith.us
Mon Oct 5 19:36:09 BST 2015

Homebrew users are experiencing the same failure described by Ken
Spicer. I am confident Qt4's qmake is in PATH and that PyQt 4 is being

The configure.py output is:

Configuring QScintilla 2.8.4...
QScintilla 2.8.4 is being used.
The QScintilla .sip files will be installed in
The QScintilla module will be installed in
PyQt 4.11.3 is being used.
Qt 4.8.7 is being used.
sip 4.16.9 is being used.
The sip executable is /usr/local/opt/sip/bin/sip.
The QScintilla module is being built with 'protected' redefined as 'public'.
The QScintilla API file will be installed in
Generating the C++ source for the Qsci module...
Generating the .pro file for the Qsci module...
Creating the Makefile for the Qsci module...

A log of the build failure is available here:

We are tracking the issue here:


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