[QScintilla] setAutoIndentStyle doesn't work

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Sun May 14 18:30:54 BST 2017

On 14 May 2017, at 11:26 am, kristof.mulier at telenet.be wrote:
> Dear QScintilla users,
> Automatic indentation is a very nice feature offered by QScintilla. When inserting a new line, automatic indentation pushes the cursor to the same indentation level as the previous one. You have two options to switch on this feature: (1) call the function setAutoIndent(True) on the QsciScintilla editor or (2) call the function setAutoIndentStyle(..) on the lexer.
> The first option works. The second doesn't. For full details on the problem, please take a look at the following StackOverflow question:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43962669/setautoindentstyle-on-the-qscintilla-lexer-doesnt-work
> Do you know the answer?

You have to implement the various block method (blockStart(), blockEnd() etc).


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