[QScintilla] Bug report: NVDA reading incorrect lines

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Aug 2 18:58:19 BST 2018

Can you try tonight's snapshot?

This is extremely difficult to test as the relevant specification is incredibly vague and ambiguous. The different platforms behave differently or are (as in the case of Qt's support on macOS) just plain broken.

The problem is related to CR-LF line endings. What sort of line endings does the file that worked have? If it has just LF and it was created with Mu on Windows, does that mean Mu does some special handling with line endings when writing out a file? If that is the case then maybe Mu should set the EOL mode to EOLUnix for all platforms.


> On 24 Jul 2018, at 7:32 pm, Tim Regan <dumbledad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Two more data-points:
> The bug is not in SciTE
> The bug only shows on newly typed text, loading the same text from file (in
> the QScintilla based IDE Mu) does not exhibit the bug
> Cheers,
> Tim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Thompson <phil at riverbankcomputing.com> 
> Sent: 24 July 2018 19:02
> To: Tim Regan <dumbledad at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [QScintilla] Bug report: NVDA reading incorrect lines
> On 24/07/2018 16:57, Tim Regan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was looking at this bug in the beginners code editor "mu"
>> https://github.com/mu-editor/mu/issues/523
>> It looks like it is a bug with QScintilla, not mu, because the same 
>> problem exhibits itself if I build a simple QScintilla based text 
>> editor using the brief Python code listing by Matic Kukovec from 
>> https://github.com/matkuki/qscintilla_docs
>>    import PyQt5.QtGui
>>    import PyQt5.Qsci
>>    import sys
>>    application = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
>>    editor = PyQt5.Qsci.QsciScintilla()
>>    editor.show()
>>    application.exec_()
>> In the resulting editor if I type 1, 2, 3, 4, and then 5 on separate 
>> lines NVDA correctly reads the numbers out. But if I then use the 
>> arrow key to navigate between lines the NVDA gets them wrong. For 
>> example what should be read out as 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 is instead read as 
>> Blank, Blank, 4 5, 3, 1 2.
>> I've
>> a screen capture video so you can see and hear what I mean:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/da00kqlgiwvbson/2018-07-23_18-10-26.mp4
>> Is this mailing list the correct place to report this bug?
> Yes.
> Phil

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