[QScintilla] Problem with PyQt5.11 release and QScintilla

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Jun 23 17:17:53 BST 2018


same issue over here with the editor component of the eric IDE.


Am Samstag, 23. Juni 2018, 17:58:46 CEST schrieb Nicholas H.Tollervey:
> Hi Folks,
> First poster here...
> I've written a Python code editor for beginner programmers called Mu --
> it's based upon feedback from teachers and learners. You can learn more
> about it here: https://codewith.mu/
> It's currently only 3.5k lines of Python and PyQt is a fundamental
> aspect of Mu. I override QScintilla for the editor widget and I've found
> it works really well for my use cases. Thanks to everyone on this list
> who has made such amazing work available for the likes of me to use.
> However, I've just done a "fresh" setup in a clean Python 3 virtualenv
> and I get errors.
> Pip reports I have
> QScintilla-2.10.5-5.11.1-cp35.cp36.cp37.cp38-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
> installed but PyQt is the latest 5.11 release from today.
> When I run my code that has worked in all previous releases of PyQt I
> get this:
> QObject::connect: No such signal
> EditorPane::marginClicked(int,int,KeyboardModifiers)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "./run.py", line 6, in <module>
>      run()
>    File "/home/ntoll/src/mu/mu/app.py", line 138, in run
>      editor.restore_session(sys.argv[1:])
>    File "/home/ntoll/src/mu/mu/logic.py", line 668, in restore_session
>      self._view.add_tab(None, py, self.modes[self.mode].api(), NEWLINE)
>    File "/home/ntoll/src/mu/mu/interface/main.py", line 263, in add_tab
>      new_tab.connect_margin(self.breakpoint_toggle)
>    File "/home/ntoll/src/mu/mu/interface/editor.py", line 170, in
> connect_margin
>      self.marginClicked.connect(func)
> TypeError: connect() failed between (int,int,Qt::KeyboardModifiers) and
> unislot()
> It looks to me that marginClicked signal no longer exists (EditorPane is
> a child class of QsciScintilla). However, when I look at the resulting
> object it appears to be there. The handler I'm using looks like this:
> def debug_toggle_breakpoint(self, margin, line, modifiers):
>      """
>      How to handle the toggling of a breakpoint.
>      """
>      .... etc ....
> Which looks like the right signature given the signal.
> Any idea what's going on..? Am I missing something here..?
> I believe this may be a bug caused by Qt5.11, since the API docs don't
> suggest anything has changed, I can't find anything in the changes
> described in the release notes for this latest version and it's broken
> existing code that appears to work in a bog-standard way. (However, I
> hope it's a problem of *my* making and not a problem with the released
> libraries.)
> Thanks in advance for any help offered!
> N.
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Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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