[QScintilla] Main selection color is not changed properly in some cases

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Sat May 11 15:22:36 BST 2019

On 11/05/2019 13:37, Scener Spanish wrote:
> Few days ago I've opened a thread on scintilla forum
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/scintilla-interest/S3Z9Yl8gewQ 
> talking
> about this bug.
> At first I assumed it was related to Scintilla but the bug doesn't show 
> up
> on Scite so... maybe this is a QScintilla specific bug?
> Tested on python3.6.x + win7 + PyQt5==5.12
> and both QScintilla==2.10.8 or QScintilla==2.11.1
> Can you reproduce and advice? If not, please let me know and I'll 
> create a
> proper mcve.

I would need a short complete script that demonstrates the problem.

Remember that QScintilla is based on an older version of Scintilla.


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