[QScintilla] Main selection color is not changed properly in some cases
Phil Thompson
phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Wed May 15 13:30:39 BST 2019
On 15/05/2019 11:44, Scener Spanish wrote:
> That's awesome news, looking forward to those fixes!!!
> In the meantime, in order to use the future dev snapshot I've tried to
> learn how to build QScintilla from sources so I wouldn't need to
> wait for the pypi wheels and I've described all the steps I've followed
> as
> adviced:
> ====================
> 1st attempt
> -----------
> - Start vs2015 x86 command prompt
> - cd d:\ && mkdir test_qscintilla
> - wget
> https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/static/Downloads/QScintilla/QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903.zip
> - 7z x QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903.zip
> Section `Installation on Windows` in the doc/html-Qt4Qt5/index.html
> says:
>> Before compiling QScintilla on Windows you should remove the Qsci
> directory
>> containing the QScintilla header files from any previous installation.
*from any previous installation*
ie. \path\to\Qt\include\Qsci
> - cd Qt4Qt5
> - rf -rf Qsci
> - set path=c:\Qt\5.11.3\msvc2015\bin;%path%
> - qmake -makefile qscintilla.pro
> - nmake
> It'll complain the Qsci header files missing... so probably docs are
> wrong
> here
> 2nd attempt
> -----------
> Let's try again...
> - cd d:\test_qscintilla
> - rm -rf QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903
> - 7z x QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903.zip
> - Open qscintilla.pro with qtcreator + configure for msvc2015
> - Select release + build, you should get qscintilla2_qt5.dll
> - copy
> ..\Qt4Qt5\build-qscintilla-Desktop_Qt_5_11_3_MSVC2015_32bit-Release\release\qscintilla2_qt5.dll
> c:\Qt\5.11.3\msvc2015\bin
> ===============
> First, let's make sure sip.exe is on path:
> - set path=D:\virtual_envs\sip-4.19.14\sipgen;%path%
> and to confirm just do `where sip`
> Now let's enable some virtualenv with pyqt5 installed:
> - cd d:\mcve_qscintilla\QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903\Python
> - d:\virtual_envs\py364_32\Scripts\activate
> And finally we configure:
> (py364_32)
> d:\mcve_qscintilla\QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903\Python>python
> configure.py --pyqt=PyQt5
> --qsci-incdir=d:\mcve_qscintilla\QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903\Qt4Qt5
> --qsci-libdir=d:\mcve_qscintilla\QScintilla_gpl-2.11.2.dev1905090903\Qt4Qt5\build-qscintilla-Desktop_Qt_5_11_3_MSVC2015_32bit-Release\release
> Configuring QScintilla 2.11.2.dev1905090903...
> QScintilla 2.11.2.dev1905090903 is being used.
> The QScintilla .sip files will be installed in
> D:\virtual_envs\py364_32\sip\PyQt5.
> QScintilla will be installed in
> D:\virtual_envs\py364_32\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5.
> PyQt 5.12 is being used.
> Qt 5.12.1 is being used.
> sip 4.19.14 is being used.
> The sip executable is D:\virtual_envs\sip-4.19.14\sipgen\sip.exe.
> The PEP 484 stubs will be installed in
> D:\virtual_envs\py364_32\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5.
> The QScintilla API file will be installed in
> C:/Qt/5.11.3/msvc2015\qsci\api\python.
> Generating the C++ source for the Qsci module...
> Generating the .pro file for the Qsci module...
> Generating the QScintilla API file...
> Generating the top-level .pro file...
> Generating the Makefiles...
> - I open QScintilla.pro on qtcreator + configure msvc2015 and I build,
> I'll
> get
> these errors:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6h275m4b8hptsp3/2019-05-15_12-37-00.txt
Why use qtcreator rather than just use nmake?
> - Is it really necessary to copy qscintilla2_qt5 to the qt directory?
It's a DLL so it has to be on PATH.
> - If you look at the content of the python bindings compilation output,
> at
> which point I've messed up?
> - Summing up, could you describe the right way to build the QScintilla
> python bindings from source on windows? It feels
> to me the steps living in the documentation are outdated
The instructions are correct as far as I am aware.
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