[QScintilla] Possible bug with 'selectedText' while Ctrl+Mouse movement

Matic Kukovec kukovecmatic at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 22 15:00:30 BST 2020

On 21/04/2020 21:11, Matic Kukovec wrote:
> Hi,
> This bug is only present on Linux!
> In the attachment is an example of the error. How to reproduce it:
> Without changing any text inside the QScintilla editor, set the cursor
> to the beginning of the first line, press and hold the CTRL key and
> drag the mouse to the end of the first line. After selecting a few
> characters, usually more than 5 or 6, the example throws a exception,
> something like:
> *** Error in `/usr/bin/python3': free(): invalid next size (fast):
> 0x01e8d3e8 ***
> Aborted
> The error appears to happen when calling the selectedText method,
> while the CTRL key is pressed and changing the selected text with the
> mouse.
> The returned string from selectedText is not correct, which is visible
> in the console window in the example just before the exception is
> thrown.
> This error was found and reproduced in multiple editors, including:
> ExCo, mu-editor and meditor.
> Probably every editor based on QScintilla has this issue.
> Tested on:
>   *   Lubuntu x64, PyQt 5.11.2, QScintilla 2.11.4
>   *   Raspbian RaspberryPI 3 (arm), PyQt 5.7, QScintilla 2.9.3

Works fine for me with current versions.

Hi Phil,

Nope, tried with PyQt 5.14.2 and QScintilla 2.11.4, same error:

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