回复: bug report: when load a large text file, such as 30M size . then change into Word wrap mode , Memory crept up to 1.5 gigabytes

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 07:09:13 BST 2022

Am Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 12:09:54PM +0800 schrieb 爬山虎:
>I use the scintilla version that comes with Notepad.

I'm not sure how you did this unless it's still an API compatible version

>All I suspect is not the problem of scintilla, but the bug introduced by qscint.
My earlier mail got bounced from the list so I hope this reply takes it
back on. If not, you'll have to post your position there again.

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