Welcome to the Riverbank Computing PyPI Server

This is a PyPI compatible package index serving the latest development snapshots and pre-releases of stable versions of Riverbank Computing's open source packages.

Development snapshots are uploaded to this server whenever changes are made to the source code of a package. Older snapshots are removed at the same time.

When a new stable version of a package is about to be released it is first uploaded to this server (replacing any development snapshots) where it can be tested. After a few days it is then uploaded to the main PyPI server at python.org and removed from this server.

At the moment there are 80 development snapshots and pre-releases available. The complete list can be found here.

To use this server with pip, specify the --index-url install option with the URL of the server. If you want to install a development snapshot then you should also specify the --pre install option.

For example, if you want to install the latest development snapshot of the PyQt6 wheel, then run:

        pip install --index-url https://riverbankcomputing.com/pypi/simple/ --no-deps --pre --upgrade PyQt6