[Eric] Bugs in latest eric4 snapshot

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Apr 9 23:59:16 BST 2007

On 09.04.07 20:20:54, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> On Montag, 9. April 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > The one I posted seems to work fine (I didn't test everything though),
> > the one I currently have implemented (without the self.dict_items list,
> > as references to the objects are already kept in the children list -
> > afaik) doesn't work when I try to open a file (i.e. show its classes).
> > I'm also not 100% sure I tested this with the posted patch... So I guess
> > you should first try it out a bit, before adding it permanently.
> >
> Ok, I'll play with it tomorrow.

Ok, now that running eric4 inside eric3 works right this was easy to
find: The asserts I put into the code to make sure that internalPointer
returned a valid object were a bit wrong :) So attached is a diff where
the Models have

a) the item_dict removed
b) use internalPointer all the time
c) have nearly no errors pointed out by the ModelTest

One thing I couldn't fix is the assert on line 415 in modeltest.py, it
tests that all valid indexes return a valid QVariant for DisplayRole.
The problem is that the items under a given parent may have different
number of columnCount(), so I decided to return QVariant("") in that
case (see line 80 of BrowserModel.py) as a workaround.


You will be singled out for promotion in your work.
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