[Eric] eric4 - suggestions

Matthieu TC matthieutc at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 6 09:33:42 BST 2007

I've been using eric4 for a couple of weeks now and I wanted to post some questions/suggestions for the developers. I am also open to implementing some fixes myself, if you want me to.

  -Can I recursively add ANY file/directory to the project (txt, tmpl, etc..). I've been trying to do that in multiple ways but it never worked.

  -It would be nice if Find definition/references would be run in a separate thread, and would thus be 'cancellable'.

  -Whenever I run a script within Eric4, the output goes to the shell, not to the log viewer.

  -The project viewer always synchronizes itself with the current file in the editor, can I toggle that behavior?  Often, I would like to have the project viewer stay still when I open a file.

  -I'm using Eric4 over a network file share, and when I lose my internet connection with the file share, eric4 freezes.

That's it :)  Let me know what you think, and as I said, I am volunteering to resolve some of those annoyances.

Long life to eric4,

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