[Eric] Is execute in command windows possible?

Laurent Dufréchou Laurent.Dufrechou at free.fr
Mon Jun 11 23:56:22 BST 2007

Hi there,

I'm new user to eric4.
I'm wondering if it's possible to do a 'run in console window' that 
launch the program in a konsole prompt under linux or cmd prompt under 
(I'm currently under windows for my test)
My need is to be able to launch the program in a classical prompt 
independant from eric.

Moreover here my script:
print "hello"
raw_input("push a key")
print "program done"

How can I redirect this to the log viewer stdout/in eric windows?(i 
didn' manage to use it!)

By the way, just a little usability idea :
Perhaps, could be a good idea to add a little text like "script 
terminated" in the eric python interpreter when script is done. could be 
usefull to know when F2 command has been terminated.


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