[Eric] Installation trouble on Windows XP SP2

Peter Bradley p.bradley at dsl.pipex.com
Tue Jun 12 23:00:29 BST 2007

Laurent Dufréchou wrote:
> Same here, same windows, same files at the same location...
> It worked for me.
> Be sure to have ec:\qt\4.3.0\bin\ in your windows path env vars.
> (parhaps also C:\MinGW\bin ?)
OK.  Did that.  install.py now runs (very quickly, with no feedback, but
no errors).  However I still don't seem to be able to start eric and it
doesn't seem to have copied any files anywhere or done anything I'd
associate with doing an installation.

The README says just to run eric4, but that produces only a "can't find
it" message from Windows.  I tried running eric4.py from the download
directory, but that just flashes up a console window and then dies
before I get chance to read it.  eric4.pyw does nothing.

Is there something else I've missed?  I'm feeling a bit stupid at the


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