[Eric] Bug report copy/paste to index.kid template closes Eric4

Petr Jakeš petr.jakes at tpc.cz
Sun Aug 10 08:39:09 BST 2008

Hi I am on Ubuntu 8.04 64bit
Version Numbers:
Python 2.5.2
Qt 4.3.4
PyQt4 4.3.3
sip 4.7.3
QScintilla 2-snapshot-20070923
eric4 4.1.1 (r1972)
Platform: linux2,
2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jul 31 2008, 17:31:22)
[GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)]

In the TurboGears project, while I am trying to paste code from the
clipboard (code attached bellow), the whole Eric closes (crashes) without
any single message.

I was trying to copy/paste some simple (non taged) rows of text and this
works without problems.

========== the pasted code  ==================
10   <body>
11     <select id="personOption">
12       <option py:for="person in people"
13          id="${person.id}" value="${person.id}">
14          ${person.given_name} ${person.surname}
15       </option>
16     </select>
17     <div id="pets-div" name="pets-div"></div>
18   </body>
19 </html>

Best Regards

Petr Jakes
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