[Eric] Eric and Django Plugin

Haroldo Stenger harold.stenger at gmail.com
Sun Aug 10 17:30:58 BST 2008


I'm enjoying the new Eric4.4.0 and the bleeding edge Django plugin. It is a
very nice experience! Thanks.

Please help me with a little problem.

When trying to start the web server, it does fine, however when pointing to
it from my browser things don't go as smooth:

AttributeError: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'ROOT_URLCONF'

appears, from which I deduced the server isn't running in the correct
working directory. Next deduction, Eric beleives it is running a given
Django project, which is not the one I opened, and in the pop down list of
projects that I am offered, just one project appears, and not the one I'm
trying to start the server on.

What am I missing? What else is needed in order to tell  Eric and/or Django
plugin that it be my given project?

I think there is some confusion inside, since a while ago I created a
project with the name Eric is using to start the server, but I don't know
why it takes this project instead of the one I am opening.

Might it be a confusion between "application" project , and a "project"

Migth it be a confusion between two "project" projects that somehow collide
inside the same directory structure?

I'll thank a lot any contribution to understand Eric from this operating
point of view!

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