[Eric] Re: Eric and Django Plugin

Haroldo Stenger harold.stenger at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 03:26:01 BST 2008

Well I solved the issue. Just in case it is useful to some soul:

The problem was in my Django mix of a project, and another project in a
subdirectory of it, meant for an app. I deleted the latter's manage.py and
settings.py. Then, the runserver option ran from within Eric IDE did as
smothly as it usually does from the command line.

Thumbs up for EricIde Django Plugin! (which I think many people will use)


On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Haroldo Stenger
<harold.stenger at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm enjoying the new Eric4.4.0 and the bleeding edge Django plugin. It is a
> very nice experience! Thanks.
> Please help me with a little problem.
> When trying to start the web server, it does fine, however when pointing to
> it from my browser things don't go as smooth:
> AttributeError: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'ROOT_URLCONF'
> appears, from which I deduced the server isn't running in the correct
> working directory. Next deduction, Eric beleives it is running a given
> Django project, which is not the one I opened, and in the pop down list of
> projects that I am offered, just one project appears, and not the one I'm
> trying to start the server on.
> What am I missing? What else is needed in order to tell  Eric and/or Django
> plugin that it be my given project?
> I think there is some confusion inside, since a while ago I created a
> project with the name Eric is using to start the server, but I don't know
> why it takes this project instead of the one I am opening.
> Might it be a confusion between "application" project , and a "project"
> project?
> Migth it be a confusion between two "project" projects that somehow collide
> inside the same directory structure?
> I'll thank a lot any contribution to understand Eric from this operating
> point of view!
> Haroldo
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