[Eric] Re: Eric crashes on winxp

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Dec 7 12:34:57 GMT 2008


did you uninstall the Ubuntu packages before you installed the self compiled 
ones? If not, there could be some old libraries, that are picked up. After 
upgrading sip and PyQt4, you must upgrade and/or recompile the QScintilla 
Python bindings as well. Best would be to uninstall all these Ubuntu packages 
and do an install from sources in the order given by the eric4 README file.


On Samstag, 6. Dezember 2008, Joe Pimentel wrote:
> Well,
> Initially I install de ubuntu package (eric, 4.1.1-1ubuntu1) but I am
> studying some new features and need to have more up to date versions.
> So I used to install eric from tar.gz's  from the site.
> The other packages (pre-reqs) when possible I use to install from
> ubuntu repositories.
> Now I have decided to write an application that uses Qt (Qt Designer)
> and to speed up the development I realized I would need Qt4
> autocompletion.
> I tryed to find the PyQt4.api everywhere on the system but had no success.
> So, I decide (by reading lists over Internet) to install from the
> PyQt4 from http://www.riverbankcomputing.com (and sip, as it is an
> pre-req).
> After compiling and installing both sip and PyQt4 I managed to start
> eric, compile the api  and can observe that it works.
> The next time I tryed to start eric4 the error behaviour starts.
> I tryed to rollback the instalations by removing the files and
> installing again the ubuntu packages for syp and pyqt4 but this seems
> not to help.
> Debugging eric4 I could figure out that the error occours at the
> following line call:
> file: SplashScreen.py
> line: 39
>         QApplication.processEvents()
> Hope this helps

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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