[Eric] Auto-complete selection keyshortcut

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Dec 19 09:15:52 GMT 2008

Sure, in a few hours when I get a chance to log out of that machine and
load XFCE I'll test to confirm. Should I post to the list or is there
bug you want me to update, or someone to email directly?


Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> On Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008, Alex Mandel wrote:
>> Hmm, yes and now that I think of hit I seem to recall it working under
>> XFCE.
>> What's the deal?
> QScintilla autocompletion and userlists seem to have a problem with the way 
> Gnome handles them (probably some window manager hints). Phil has it on the 
> todo list but would like to get some indication, if it works with other 
> window managers using pure GTK (I think XFCE does). Can you report your 
> results to him?
> Regards,
> Detlev
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> Detlev Offenbach wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> are you using the Gnome desktop?
>>> Detlev
>>> On Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008, Alex Mandel wrote:
>>>> I did notice a thread on this a few months back, but the solution
>>>> doesn't seem to exist.
>>>> When using auto-complete a box opens with the possible matches. The only
>>>> way to use this box seems to be to use the mouse to either select the
>>>> word you want or to click out and close the box. Arrow keys do not work,
>>>> enter, tab, alt, ctrl, space or any combination of these keys does
>>>> nothing.
>>>> None of the keyboard shortcuts related to auto complete do anything
>>>> other than open an auto complete window. How do I use the keyboard to
>>>> select the match I want?
>>>> The previous article I saw said something about a select command in the
>>>> keyboard shortcuts but I can't find one that even looks remotely close.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alex
>>>> Linux, installed from 4.2.4a sourceforge download
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