[Eric] segfault using Plugin_Assistant_Eric-snapshot

Dan Bullok dan.eric at bullok.com
Sun Jul 27 23:46:37 BST 2008

I keep getting segfaults using Plugin_Assistant_Eric-snapshot (both 20080712 
20080726).  It has only happened when saving certain files.  Some files don't 
segfault when saving, but others do.  Once it segfault while saving a certain 
file, it will continue to do so for that file.

I'm attaching a patch that stops the segfault from occurring, but it has to 
disable the API autocompletion to do so.  Since I really like the way this 
plugin does in-document word completion, that's not a huge loss to me.  If 
the standard word completion worked the same way I'd use it instead.

I'm suspecting one of the binary libraries, because I'd expect anything 
written in python to throw an exception that Eric would catch.  Here's what 
I'm using:

Hopefully this is a known error, but if not I can try to track it down by 
building debug versions of the above libs.  My prime suspects are sqlite and 
pysqlite, because the segfault is happening during the autocompletion db 
update, which looks like it's handled by sqlite.  If anyone has a better 
idea, please let me know.

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Name: Plugin_Assistant_Eric-snapshot-20080726.no_segfault.patch
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Size: 5071 bytes
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Url : http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/eric/attachments/20080727/743ed036/Plugin_Assistant_Eric-snapshot-20080726.no_segfault.bin

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