More ibex probs. Re: [Eric] Won't start

Tim Rue eric3seas at
Mon Nov 3 05:40:23 GMT 2008

Tim Rue wrote:
> Alex Mandel wrote:
>> Well good news, it's not eric.
>> Something is wrong with qt4 on ubuntu intrepid.
>> I'll post when I find the answer.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> _______________________________________________
> For me, after an ibex upgrade, the eric4 splash screen will come up 
> and after some loading it will vanish but nothing happens.
> the following is reported.  I can still run eric3, and it seems to run 
> ok. Tim
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> 2008-11-01, 13:55:52
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>:
> argument 1 of QsciScintilla() has an invalid type
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/eric4/", line 238, in 
> <module>
>    main()
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/eric4/", line 235, in 
> main
>    raise err
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Version Numbers:
>  Python 2.5.2
>  Qt 4.4.3
>  PyQt4 4.4.3
>  sip 4.7.7
>  QScintilla 2.2
>  eric4 4.2.2a (r2553)
> Platform: linux2
> 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  5 2008, 19:24:49)
> [GCC 4.3.2]
to follow up, I don't recommend upgrading to ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex

I had so many persistent problems with it that I decided to  downgrade 
back to 8.04 LTS .....8.04.1 actually. In my efforts to do so I found 
several others wanting to do the same.

Its said that downgrading is not supported but what I did and learned to 
do, is to backup the home directory (which I have as a separate 
partition) and upon deciding to downgrade, you really just reinstall the 
earlier OS completely over writing the newer one. And then copy back the 
home backup selectively as it has all your configurations and such in 
it. you might backup the /root user directory too.

Of course this means you have to re-install everything that is not a 
part of the default install. But I will tell anyone that its easier than 
doing so on a windows machine as the home directory has all your config 
settings and email, browser bookmarks, etc...

Anyway, although I have the eric3&4 configs I still have to uninstall 
the version I got from the repositories and of course go through 
reinstallation of eric 4 and maybe 3.

On the positive side I have something of a cleaner system than I had 
over the past upgrades history.
 Now if I can remember the tweeks I did.... printer driver, scanner 
driver, etc... 

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