[Eric] ANN: first eric 4.3 snapshot available

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Sep 20 14:25:24 BST 2008


this is to let all of you know about the immediate availability of the first 
eric 4.3 snapshot. It fixes a few bugs and includes these changes.

- changed license to GPL v3
- added support for TLS mode to the Email dialog
- added support for the new QScintilla Lexers (Fortran, Fortran77, Pascal,
  PostScript, XML, YAML)
- added options to change the margins colors
- added Drag & Drop to reorder editor tabs, to relocate them from one
  view to another and to clone them
- added support for wheel events to the various tab bars
- made the translations handling code more flexible with respect to the 
  naming of translation files
- added embedded Find and Find&Replace dialogs
- unified the log viewer tabs into one log view with configurable color
  for the stderr text
- added restart functionality needed by some plugins (plugins must have
  "needsRestart = True" in their header)
- added capability to prepopulate the plugin installation dialog from the 
  plugin repository dialog
- added the universal character encoding detector from 
  http://chardet.feedparser.org to improve the encoding guessing
- added a simple terminal like window
- added capability to select files based on a filename pattern to the
  find in files dialog
- improved IPv6 support
- added buttons to the highlighters styles page to set styles to the 
  default values
- added a new window layout called "Toolboxes", that gives more space 
  to the editors

As usual the snapshot is available via 

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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