[Eric] Re: has anyone successfully run eric using the, PyQt4-4.5 snapshots?

Jaime Seuma jaims.seuma at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 12:35:02 GMT 2009

My two cents:

I had been using the latest eric4 snapshots successfully
(eric4-4.3-snapshot-20090201 and then eric4-4.3.1). My software stuff was:
->WinXP SP2

But qt-4.5 has been recently released and I wanted to upgrade. Did the
upgrade but then wanted to upgrade QScintilla too (QScintilla-gpl-2.3.2)
Eric4 didn't start with these upgrades, complaining about some missing
entry point in qscintilla2.dll, so I decided to upgrade the whole thing;
thinking that perhaps the trouble eric4/qscintilla 2.3.2 could be solved
by means of upgrading PyQt to the last version.

I've downloaded the next software packages as they can be downloaded from :

Sip/PyQt/QScintilla have been downloaded from riverbankcomputing, they
are the last releases as of today; being PyQt-4.5 the next release.

This combination of software works nicely with eric4 latest snapshot
(eric4 4.3.1(r2919) if I'm right).



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