[PyKDE] PyQwt win32 binary?

Phil Thompson phil at river-bank.demon.co.uk
Wed Jan 31 16:56:05 GMT 2001

Matt Gerassimoff wrote:
> Phil, it is your choice.  I'm just voicing my disappointment.  The binary
> release of PyQt was only 4 months old (since September).  I'm sure you
> knew BlackAddr was going to be release by then.  The best outcome would be
> the company that gave you the binary release should take it back and give
> it to someone willing to maintain the PyQt binary release.  As I don't own
> any MicroSoft development software, I couldn't do it.  But I would take it
> on if someone were to provide the necessary pieces.

I don't know what you mean by "the company that gave me the binary
release". The company that gave me the Qt license was Trolltech. Another
company bought me a copy of MS C++ - they wanted to make sure that the
PyQt source would compile under Windows - at the time they were doing
the port themselves. They weren't interested in binaries as they already
had a commercial Qt license of their own.

> There is another possibility which may test the GPL and
> TrollTech:  Someone could build a interface to Qt for Windows without a
> commercial license and release it GPL (which it would have to).  Then
> applications that are free, stay free.  I'm not sure how that would affect
> TrollTech but my guess is they may change there licencing in the next
> version.

Feel free to do whatever you want.


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