[PyKDE] Problems with PyKDE2 again (long)
Henrik Motakef
henrik.motakef at web.de
Sun Feb 10 23:48:26 GMT 2002
I just tried to write a simple app using KParts with PyKDE2alpha3
(basically a file viewer that loads appropriate KParts for the
selected files). I had a few problems, that might be bugs (Note
however that I never wrote anything using KParts before, so I could
just be doing things wrong.)
Back on the KStdAction topic, I wrote a simple wrapper module that one
can use instead of KStdAction directly, that deals with Python
slots. Probably there is a more sane way to do it, but until someone
tells me what it is... I included a script that generates this module
at the end of this message.
As for the problems:
First, KCmlLineArgs.init1 doesn't seem to work. When I do something
aboutData = KAboutData("Foo", "foo", "0.1",
"Useless test program",
"(c) 2002 Henrik Motakef")
KCmdLineArgs.init1(sys.argv, aboutData)
I get a
TypeError: Argument 2 of KCmdLineArgs.init1() has an invalid type
Second, I cannot get an instance of KIO.KTrader. (It's a singleton
with an accessor method self()). A call to
results in a segfault.
The output is:
Trying to load /usr/home/henrik/devel/pykde/browser/pyviewer.py (text/x-java)
Getting trader
KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = path = <unknown> pid = 60365
(The first two lines are debugging output generated by me)
Unfortunatly I don't have debugging support in my KDE installation
(and to be honest, I don't plan to change this - KDE still isn't too
fast even without :), so Dr. Konqi doesn't give me a usable
backtrace. I have also included the script where it happens, so that
interested people can try to reproduce it.
(BTW: If this is not an appropriate place to send such stuff, I'd be
thankful for pointers. Sorry for the traffic)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Prints a Module mimicking (a subset of) the KStdAction class
# to stdout.
# PyViewer.py uses this module, so to run it, use:
# $ python make_pykstdaction.py > PyKStdAction.py
# BTW, the module lacks the "print" action, scince "print" is a
# reserved word in Python
template = """
def %(action)s(*args):
if callable(args[0]):
if len(args) == 2:
action = KStdAction.%(action)s(None, None, args[1])
action = KStdAction.%(action)s(None, None, args[1], args[2])
QObject.connect(action, SIGNAL("activated()"), args[0])
return action
return apply(KStdAction.%(action)s, args)
actions = [ "openNew", "open", "openRecent", "save", "saveAs",
"revert", "close", "printPreview", "mail", "quit",
"undo", "redo", "cut", "copy", "paste", "selectAll",
"find", "findNext", "findPrev", "replace", "actualSize",
"fitToPage", "fitToWidth", "fitToHeight", "zoomIn",
"zoomOut", "zoom", "redisplay", "up", "back", "forward",
"home", "prior", "next", "goTo", "gotoPage", "gotoLine",
"firstPage", "lastPage", "addBookmark", "editBookmarks",
"spelling", "showMenubar", "showToolbar", "showStatusbar",
"saveOptions", "keyBindings", "preferences",
"configureToolbars", "help", "helpContents", "whatsThis",
"reportBug", "aboutApp", "aboutKDE" ]
print "from kdeui import KStdAction"
print "from qt import QObject, SIGNAL"
for action in actions:
print template % {"action": action}
#!/usr/bin/env python
from qt import *
from kdecore import *
from kdeui import *
from kparts import *
from kio import *
from kfile import *
import PyKStdAction
import sys
def debug(s):
sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % s)
class PyViewer(KParts.MainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args):
apply(KParts.MainWindow.__init__, (self,) + args)
self.part = None
PyKStdAction.open(self.open, self.actionCollection())
PyKStdAction.quit(kapp, SLOT("quit()"), self.actionCollection())
def open(self):
filename = KFileDialog.getOpenFileName()
if filename != "":
mimetype = KMimeMagic.self().findFileType(filename).mimeType()
debug("Trying to load %s (%s)" % (filename, mimetype))
self.load(filename, mimetype)
def load(self, filename, mimetype):
debug("Getting trader")
trader = KIO.KTrader.self() # <- SIGSEGV
debug( "Querying mimetype")
trader.query(mimetype, "'KParts/ReadOnlyPart' in ServiceTypes")
debug("Got %d offers" % len(offers))
if len(offers) == 0:
KMessageBox.error(self, "Don't know how to handle this file",
"Unsupported file type")
service = offers[0]
debug("Loading library")
library = KLibLoader.self().factory(service.library())
debug("Creating part")
self.part = library.create(self, service.name, "KParts::ReadOnlyPart")
debug("Opening file")
debug("Setting view")
debug("Creating new GUI")
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
aboutData = KAboutData("pyviewer", "PyViewer", "0.1",
"Simple file viewer using PyKDE2",
"(c) 2002 Henrik Motakef")
#KCmdLineArgs.init1(sys.argv, aboutData)
KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv, "pyviewer", "Simple viewer using PyKDE2", "0.1")
app = KApplication()
win = PyViewer(None, "PyViewer")
<!DOCTYPE kpartgui SYSTEM "kpartgui.dtd">
<!-- This file should go to $KDEDIR/share/apps/pyviewer -->
<!-- It is obviously useless, but keeps KDE from complaining -->
<!-- about parse errors in createGUI() -->
<kpartgui name="pyviewer" version="1"/>
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