[PyKDE] How do I delete a QCanvasItem?

Phil Thompson phil at river-bank.demon.co.uk
Wed Jun 19 10:01:01 BST 2002

Stephen Green wrote:

> Ok, I think I found out what causes the problem in my code.  Here is a 
> small part of my program that will crash.  As it is, if you create a 
> point in the program, then delete the point, then try to create a new 
> point, it usually gives a segmentation fault.  But if you comment lines 
> 14 and 18, it works fine (but it still sometimes doesn't quit 
> properly).  These lines add a second frame to the QCanvasSprite (they 
> make it so that the color can be changed).
> Does this crash for you guys too, or is it just me?  And should I not be 
> creating other frames in this way?  I could probably make the points out 
> of QCanvasEllipses instead, and change the brush, but I'd still like to 
> figure out what's going wrong here.
> I'm using Python 2.2, SIP 3.2.1, PyQt 3.2.1, and Qt 3.0.3, on Red Hat 7.3.

This is now fixed in today's snapshot.


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