[PyKDE] sipParseArgs
John J. Lee
jjl at pobox.com
Tue May 14 21:02:00 BST 2002
Given the lack of documentation for sip, here is a list of format
characters for sipParseArgs as of sip 3.0, as far as I understand them
(poorly). The other versions of this list I've seen were out of date.
1. What is the 'func' C arg for ('y' and 'q' format characters)?
2. Why does PyQt's QValidator::validate() use the 'm' format character
to get the C++ this, rather than t? According to my copy of the Qt
docs, this method is not static.
3. I don't understand the code for 'G' and 'S'
sipParseArgs format characters
fmt Python arg C args
| (means: args after this one are optional)
-, I (deprecated)
v Python object void **[OUT]
(if Python arg is None, will be NULL)
d Float double *[OUT]
f Float float *[OUT]
l Integer long *[OUT]
h Integer short *[OUT]
i Integer int *[OUT]
C Constrained integer int *[OUT]
(Python arg must lie in C int range)
c Character char *[OUT]
a String byte array char **array[OUT], int *size[OUT]
or None
Y Python slot to char *sig, const void **rx, char **slot
y Python slot to void *func, char *sig, const void **rx, char **slot
Q Qt receiver to char *sig, void **rx, char **slot
q Qt receiver to void *func, char *sig, const void **rx, char **slot
F Python callable PyObject **[OUT]
R Subclass of QObject PyObject **[OUT]
T Python object of PyTypeObject *[IN], PyObject **[OUT]
given type
N Python object of PyTypeObject *[IN], PyObject **[OUT]
given type or None
O Python object PyObject **[OUT]
M Class instance with convfunc func, void *ptr[OUT], int *heap[OUT]
convertors or None
J Class instance with PyObject *class[IN], void **[OUT]
no convertors or None (Python arg must be a subclass of C class arg)
G Signal name char **sig_name[OUT]
(Python arg must start with "2" or "9" -- why??)
S Slot name char **slot_name[OUT]
(Python arg must start with "1", "2" or "9")
s String or None char **[OUT]
t self (C++ this) sipThisType this[IN], PyObject *classObj[IN], void **sipThis[OUT]
m self (C++ this of sipThisType this[IN], PyObject *classObj[IN], void **sipThis[OUT]
public class method)
p self (C++ this of sipThisType this[IN], PyObject *classObj[IN], void **sipThis[OUT]
protected class method)
typedef int (*convfunc)(PyObject *, void *, int *)
Passing NULL as third argument to the convertor function tells it not
to do any conversion, but simply to check the type.
Convertor functions for the 'M' format character get called twice:
first as (*func)(python_arg, ptr, NULL) (returning true if the type of
python_arg is OK); then as int heap = (*func)(python_arg, ptr,
&is_err) (where is_err indicates success of conversion to appropriate
type, and heap is true if *ptr is on the free store and should be
delete-ed). The second character of the format is a set of flags:
bit meaning
0 If ptr is NULL, report it (calls BadNone)
1 Transfer ownership of Python arg to C++ (calls sipTransferSelf(arg, 1))
2 Transfer ownership of C++ arg to Python (calls sipTransferSelf(arg, 0))
The 'J' format character also uses these flags.
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