[PyKDE] RedHat 7.3; kde3.0; Python PyQt

Phil Thompson phil at river-bank.demon.co.uk
Tue May 21 01:21:01 BST 2002

Viorel Preoteasa wrote:
> >Viorel Preoteasa wrote:
> > >
> > > I am trying to tell sip/.configure where my python2.2 dir is, but it
> > > complains about missing sip.h. This is in python1.5 include dir but not
> >in
> > > python2.2
> >
> >I don't understand. sip's ./configure doesn't check for sip.h. PyQt's
> >does. Like I said in my original response, you need to tell sip's
> >./configure and PyQt's ./configure the path to the correct Python
> >interpreter so that things get found and installed in the right place.
> >
> Yes it is true, I did it wrong, I was by mistake in the PyQt dir when trying
> to install sip. It worked when I installed sip first and after PyQt.
> But I have some other problem: Mainly I wanted to have unicode character
> support. So I compiled PyQt using Python2.2 and qt3.?. But when I try my
> application that should dispaly u'test' in a QTextEdit I get "t e" and the
> cursor goes around as would be three characters. What is wrong? the program
> I tried is:
> import sys
> from qt import *
> class ApplicationWindow(QMainWindow):
>     def __init__(self):
>         QMainWindow.__init__(self, 'mw', Qt.WDestructiveClose)
>         self.e = QTextEdit(self,'editor')
>         self.e.setFocus()
>         self.setCentralWidget(self.e)
>         s = QString('test string')
>         s = QString(u'test unicode: \u03b1\u03b2\u03b3\u03b4\ue3b5')
>         s = QString(u'test')
>         self.e. setText(s)
> a = QApplication(sys.argv)
> mw = ApplicationWindow()
> mw.setCaption('Unicode test')
> mw.show()
> a.connect(a, SIGNAL('lastWindowClosed()'), a, SLOT('quit()'))
> a.exec_loop()

Once you fix the bug in the script above (the missing None in the call
to the QMainWindow ctor) it worked fine for me.


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