[PyKDE] ANN: Packages for Eric, the Python IDE

Víctor R. Ruiz rvr at infoastro.com
Wed Nov 27 02:35:00 GMT 2002


El Mar 26 Nov 2002 18:25, Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina tecleó:
> I'll probably end up providing a conflicting "python2.1-eric"
> package, because I don't see the benefits of having both installed
> at the same time. If someone really wants this (both packages at
> same time), please, let me know why :-), and I'll try to provide
> it.

  Congratulations for the packages to Ricardo and congratulations for 
eric to Phil and Detlev!!


Víctor R. Ruiz           | - Todos estos momentos se perderán, como
http://infoastro.com/rvr |   lágrimas en la lluvia.

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