[PyKDE] PyQt - undefined symbol

Phil Thompson phil at river-bank.demon.co.uk
Sat Apr 19 22:12:01 BST 2003

On Saturday 19 April 2003 3:40 pm, Erik Dahlgren wrote:
> Both my python and qt versions are from RH9. When running nm on
> libqtcmodule.so I get
>          U PyUnicode_Type
>          U PyUnicodeUCS2_FromUnicode
> 002e3190 t _Z18QStringToPyUnicodeP7QString
> In libpython2.2.a there is 'U PyUnicodeUCS2_FromUnicode' so they seem to
> agree. There are no symbols in my libqt-mt.so in my qt lib dir. There is no
> such file in the site-packages dir.

You don't want them to agree. You want to see "U" in libqtcmodule.so meaning 
it's undefined. You want to see "T" in libpython2.2.a meaning it's defined. 
(Note that it might also appear several times as "U" in the .a file.)


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