[PyKDE] Listbox returns dictionary key?

Peter Clark peter-clark at bethel.edu
Thu Aug 7 05:34:01 BST 2003

	Let's say I want to populate a listbox with a list of dictionary keys:

	d = {'cat':'Fluffy', 'dog':'Wolfie'}
	k = d.keys()
	<Create listbox, and populate it with the items in k>

At this point, I've got a listbox with two items:



self.connect(self.listBox, SIGNAL("selected(int)"), self.printWhatWeSelected)

returns '0' if I select cat, '1' for 'dog', etc. To get the dictionary value 
for that selection, I could do


but this requires that I pass both d and k to the respective function, or make 
them both global. Is it possible for the listbox to report the text of what 
was selected, so that I could just use the text as the key?
	Also, what magic is required for changing the signal to "clicked()" rather 
than "selected()"? I tried both clicked() and clicked(int) but got an error 

QObject::connect: No such signal QListBox::clicked(int)
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'listBox')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'unnamed')

	Thanks again for letting me pick your brains,

Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!

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