[PyKDE] Proper way to show multiple windows?

Kenneth Godee Ken at perfect-image.com
Fri Jan 24 04:51:01 GMT 2003

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 16:08:03 -0800 (PST)
star gazer <th1138x at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out the correct way to display
> multiple windows, filled with info, based on a mysql
> lookup by double-clicking on a line in a QListView
> box. I have the lookup working the Qlistview working
> and I have the info screen working.  The problem is I
> am not sure of the correct way to display the info
> screens. In Wxpython I did the following procedure, it
> allowed me to dbl-clk on as many items as I wanted to
> just by going back to the master window and dbl-clking
> on another line and it would open another window.
> python Wxpython code*********
>     def ShowRecord(self, event):
>         global c_id
>         currentItem = event.m_itemIndex
>         c_id =  int(self.cv.GetItemText(currentItem))
>         CDtail = musicDetail(self,- 1,"Music
> Detail",wxPoint(20,20),wxSize(600,340))
>         CDtail.CenterOnParent()
>         CDtail.Show(true)
> **********************
> I tried to code the equivelent in pyQt and I could
> only open (1) window, I could not select the original
> window again until I closed the just opened window. 
> The just opened window was non-modal.  Does each new
> window need a  event loop?  This is bare details of
> the called window.
>         def newWin(self):
>             nw = musicDetailImp()
>             nw.exec_loop()
> It this the correct way to open the window? I seem to
> be stuck here, and I was able to do this easly from
> WXpython.  Any help would greatly be appreciated.
> Star GAzer

I'm still alittle new to PyQt but I'll throw a couple of things
at you anyway......

First it would be nice to see just a wee-bit more code, like the
class that your making an instance of, the first few init lines

Second, I personally would use non-modal dialogs, for what your trying
to do. But you might be already, can't tell from posted function.
If you are already using non-modal dialogs, then thats why we need to see
the first few lines from the class your calling and how your passing 
the parms to the inhertited classes.

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