[PyKDE] RedHat 9 and PyKDE 3.5 Works Beautifully

Jonathan Gardner jgardner at jonathangardner.net
Fri May 2 21:52:00 BST 2003

I have compiled PyKDE with RedHat 9's default environment (including PyQt and 
sip, of course) and everything works beautifully. Here are the version 

KDE: 3.1-10 (I don't know what version of KDE this is, but it seems to be 
something like 3.1.1)
Python: 2.2.2
sip/PyQt: 3.5
PyKDE: 3.5

I am trying to build RPMs, but there is a nasty bug that results in the 
following message:

getOutputFrom(): Broken pipe

after the lengthy build. The same is true for RedHat 8 as well. So I am trying 
to find a way to fix or work around it. It is pretty frustrating because any 
change you make takes several hours to test.

Jonathan Gardner <jgardner at jonathangardner.net>
(was jgardn at alumni.washington.edu)
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