[PyKDE] Designer plugin
Jim Bublitz
jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Thu Oct 2 00:20:01 BST 2003
At the moment Roland's plugin is going to be hard to install if
don't have PyKDE-3.8rc2 installed already. If you dont' have
PyKDE-3.8rc2 installed, it's available at:
You can copy the attached cpp and h files (but NOT the .pro
file!) into PyKDE-3.8rc2/pythonize, overwriting what's there.
Then cd to that directory, run make, su, make install (you
shouldn't have to rebuild PyKDE *IF* you've already built it).
Without PyKDE-3.8rc2, you'll need to futz around with the .pro
file attached. @BL_INCLUDE_PATH@ is the path to Python.h
(something like /usr/include/python) and @BL_LIBPYTHON@ is the
path to libpython.a (something like /usr/lib/python/config).
Just replace the @xxx@ symbols with the correct paths. You'll
also need to adjust the target directory in the .pro file. Run
qmake on the .pro file to create a make file, and make. If the
target directory only has root write perms, you'll need to su to
run make.
After that, you'll probably need to touch up the paths in
Roland's .pro file, run qmake on it, and then make, etc. His
paths that start with '$$' are into the qt directory hierarchy -
plugins/ and interfaces/ I believe. You may need to fix some of
his other paths/libs for your system.
The pythonize stuff that's in 3.8rc2 will probably work, but only
for a single widget. The attached files fix that. libpythonize
has no dependencies on PyKDE or PyQt or sip, but hasn't been
packaged up for anything but PyKDE yet because nothing else used
it. All libpythonize does is embeds the Python interpreter in a
.so file and provides a simple wrapper for some Python C/API
It isn't as hard as it probably looks. I started writing out a
step by step procedure, and there are a lot of steps and 'ifs'
depending on how your system is set up. Also, I don't know if
any of this will work on Windows - don't have a machine to test
it on. Seems like it should.
Obviously, this needs an install procedure someday.
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Url : http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/attachments/20031002/44d91dd0/pythonize.bin
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# Copyright 2003 Jim Bublitz <jbublitz at nwinternet.com>
TARGET = pythonize
DESTDIR = ../libs
CONFIG = dll warn_off
QMAKE_LFLAGS_SHLIB += -Xlinker -export-dynamic -Wl,-E
unix:LIBS += -L @BL_LIBPYTHON@ -lutil -lpthread -ldl
SOURCES = pythonize.cpp
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