[PyKDE] Eric3 on Debian Sid (broken?)

Cevven3 cevven3 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 8 18:11:00 BST 2004

Hello. I've been using eric3 for a while, but I must
have changed something (apt-get upgraded something
perhaps), as it broke. 

I'm really really attached to Eric3, so I reinstalled
Debian Sid using the Sarge installer. 

I already had python2.3 on the system, and I installed
the following:
libqscintilla3 libqt3c102 python-qtext
python2.3-qt3c102 python2.3-qtext python2.3-sip-qt3

[I only wanted libqt3c102 libqscintilla3 sip
python-qtext, the other stuff came along for the

When I try to start Eric3, I get the following:
 $ python eric3.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "eric3.py", line 16, in ?
    from qt import QApplication, QTranslator,
QTextCodec, QPixmap, QPoint, \
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/qt.py", line
25, in ?
    import libqtc
ImportError: libsip.so.10: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory

I don't have libsip.so.10 on this computer, so its
right there. A quick search of the Debian packages
reveals that libsip.so.10 is only available in two
python/python2.3-sip-qt2 and
I cannot seem to install either as they conflict with
python-qtext, which seems to be required. 

More background, these helped someone else on this
list <
http://lists.kde.org/?l=pykde&m=108117828304975&w=2 >:
$ dpkg -l 'python*sip*' 'python*qt*' | grep ^i
ii  python2.3-sip- 3.10.1-1       Python/C++ bindings
generator - Python2.3+Qt
ii  python-qtext   3.8-3          Qt extensions for
PyQt (default version)
ii  python2.3-qt3c 3.8-3          Qt3 bindings for
Python 2.3
ii  python2.3-qtex 3.8-3          Qt extensions for
ii  python2.3-sip- 3.10.1-1       Python/C++ bindings
generator - Python2.3+Qt

$ nm -D --defined-only `which /usr/bin/python` |grep
08092420 T PyUnicodeUCS4_FromUnicode

Please help, I really hate SciTE and IDLE. 

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