[PyKDE] Installing SIP with QT Enabled for PyQT applications
Benjamin Sher
delphi123 at zebra.net
Sat Mar 20 21:00:00 GMT 2004
Dear friends:
[USING XANDROS/DEBIAN with KDE 3.1.4 and Python 2.3 and Python 2.3-dev]
I would appreciate your help in installing SIP with QT support so that I can
then install PyQT. My reason is that I would like to install a number of KDE
applications that require as a prerequisite SIP and PyQT.
As an ordinary user, I recognize my limitations as far as programming. My
dilemma is that this stuff is quite difficult and beyond my competence, but I
would like to install these prerequisites so that I can than install and run
the programs based on them.
The error message says that configure could not find qglobal.h. Yet, it is
clearly listed in the two qt3 directories below.
Thank you so much.
Please see the following URL:
sher at Dell:~$ whereis qt
qt: /usr/share/man/man3/qt.3qt.gz
sher at Dell:~$ whereis qt3
qt3: /etc/qt3 /usr/lib/qt3 /usr/include/qt3 /usr/share/qt3
sher at Dell:~$ cd /usr/lib/qt3
sher at Dell:/usr/lib/qt3$ ls
sher at Dell:/usr/lib/qt3$
sher at Dell:~$ whereis tmake
tmake: /usr/bin/tmake /etc/tmake /usr/share/tmake /usr/share/man/man1/
sher at Dell:~$
sher at Dell:~/L-Files/Downloads/Python/sip-4.0rc3$ export TMAKEPATH=/usr/share/
sher at Dell:~/L-Files/Downloads/Python/sip-4.0rc3$ QTDIR=/usr/include/qt3
python configure.py
This is SIP 4.0rc3 for Python 2.3.2 on linux2.
Error: qglobal.h could not be found in /usr/include/qt3/include/qt.
sher at Dell:~/L-Files/Downloads/Python/sip-4.0rc3$
QTDIR=/usr/share/include/qt3/ python configure.py
This is SIP 4.0rc3 for Python 2.3.2 on linux2.
Error: qglobal.h could not be found in /usr/share/include/qt3//include/qt.
sher at Dell:~$ whereis tmake
tmake: /usr/bin/tmake /etc/tmake /usr/share/tmake /usr/share/man/man1/
sher at Dell:~$
sher at Dell:~$ cd /usr/include/qt3
sher at Dell:/usr/include/qt3$ ls
private qhostaddress.h qscrollbar.h
q1xcompatibility.h qhttp.h qscrollview.h
qabstractlayout.h qiconset.h qsemaphore.h
qaccel.h qiconview.h qsemimodal.h
qaction.h qimageformatplugin.h qserversocket.h
qapp.h qimage.h qsession.h
qapplication.h qinputdialog.h qsessionmanager.h
qarray.h qintcache.h qsettings.h
qasciicache.h qintcach.h qsgistyle.h
qasciidict.h qintdict.h qshared.h
qasyncimageio.h qinterlacestyle.h qsignal.h
qasyncio.h qiodev.h qsignalmapper.h
qbig5codec.h qiodevice.h qsignalslotimp.h
qbitarray.h qjiscodec.h qsimplerichtext.h
qbitarry.h qjpegio.h qsizegrip.h
qbitmap.h qjpunicode.h qsize.h
qbrush.h qkeycode.h qsizepolicy.h
qbttngrp.h qkeysequence.h qsjiscodec.h
qbuffer.h qlabel.h qslider.h
qbuttongroup.h qlayout.h qsocketdevice.h
qbutton.h qlcdnumber.h qsocket.h
qcache.h qlcdnum.h qsocketnotifier.h
qcanvas.h qlibrary.h qsocknot.h
qcdestyle.h qlined.h qsortedlist.h
qcheckbox.h qlineedit.h qsound.h
qchkbox.h qlistbox.h qspinbox.h
qcleanuphandler.h qlist.h qsplashscreen.h
qclipboard.h qlistview.h qsplitter.h
qclipbrd.h qlocalfs.h qsqlcursor.h
qcollect.h qmainwindow.h qsqldatabase.h
qcollection.h qmap.h qsqldriver.h
qcolordialog.h qmemarray.h qsqldriverplugin.h
qcolor.h qmenubar.h qsqleditorfactory.h
qcombobox.h qmenudata.h qsqlerror.h
qcombo.h qmenudta.h qsqlfield.h
qcommonstyle.h qmessagebox.h qsqlform.h
qcompactstyle.h qmetaobject.h qsql.h
qconfig.h qmetaobj.h qsqlindex.h
qconnect.h qmime.h qsqlpropertymap.h
qconnection.h qmlined.h qsqlquery.h
qcstring.h qmngio.h qsqlrecord.h
qcursor.h qmodules.h qsqlresult.h
qdatabrowser.h qmotifplusstyle.h qsqlselectcursor.h
qdatastream.h qmotifstyle.h qstack.h
qdatatable.h qmovie.h qstatusbar.h
qdataview.h qmsgbox.h qstring.h
qdatetimeedit.h qmultilinedit.h qstringlist.h
qdatetime.h qmultilineedit.h qstrlist.h
qdatetm.h qmutex.h qstrvec.h
qdeepcopy.h qnamespace.h qstylefactory.h
qdesktopwidget.h qnetwork.h qstyle.h
qdial.h qnetworkprotocol.h qstyleplugin.h
qdialog.h qnp.h qstylesheet.h
qdict.h qobjcoll.h qsyntaxhighlighter.h
qdir.h qobjdefs.h qtabbar.h
qdns.h qobjectcleanuphandler.h qtabdialog.h
qdockarea.h qobjectdefs.h qtabdlg.h
qdockwindow.h qobjectdict.h qtable.h
qdom.h qobject.h qtabwidget.h
qdragobject.h qobjectlist.h qtextbrowser.h
qdrawutil.h qpaintdc.h qtextcodecfactory.h
qdrawutl.h qpaintdevicedefs.h qtextcodec.h
qdropsite.h qpaintdevice.h qtextcodecplugin.h
qdstream.h qpaintdevicemetrics.h qtextedit.h
qeditorfactory.h qpaintd.h qtextstream.h
qerrormessage.h qpainter.h qtextview.h
qeucjpcodec.h qpair.h qt.h
qeuckrcodec.h qpalette.h qthread.h
qevent.h qpdevmet.h qthreadstorage.h
qeventloop.h qpen.h qtimer.h
qfeatures.h qpicture.h qtl.h
qfiledef.h qpixmapcache.h qtoolbar.h
qfiledialog.h qpixmap.h qtoolbox.h
qfiledlg.h qplatinumstyle.h qtoolbutton.h
qfile.h qpmcache.h qtooltip.h
qfileinf.h qpngio.h qtranslator.h
qfileinfo.h qpntarry.h qtsciicodec.h
qfocusdata.h qpointarray.h qtstream.h
qfontdatabase.h qpoint.h qurl.h
qfontdialog.h qpolygonscanner.h qurlinfo.h
qfont.h qpopmenu.h qurloperator.h
qfontinf.h qpopupmenu.h qutfcodec.h
qfontinfo.h qprintdialog.h quuid.h
qfontmet.h qprinter.h qvalidator.h
qfontmetrics.h qprndlg.h qvaluelist.h
qframe.h qprocess.h qvaluestack.h
qftp.h qprogbar.h qvaluevector.h
qgarray.h qprogdlg.h qvariant.h
qgb18030codec.h qprogressbar.h qvbox.h
qgbkcodec.h qprogressdialog.h qvbuttongroup.h
qgcache.h qpsprn.h qvector.h
qgdict.h qptrcollection.h qvgroupbox.h
qgeneric.h qptrdict.h qwaitcondition.h
qgif.h qptrlist.h qwhatsthis.h
qglcolormap.h qptrqueue.h qwidcoll.h
qgl.h qptrstack.h qwidgetfactory.h
qglist.h qptrvector.h qwidget.h
qglobal.h qpushbt.h qwidgetintdict.h
qgplugin.h qpushbutton.h qwidgetlist.h
qgrid.h qqueue.h qwidgetplugin.h
qgridview.h qradiobt.h qwidgetstack.h
qgroupbox.h qradiobutton.h qwindefs.h
qgrpbox.h qrangecontrol.h qwindowdefs.h
qguardedptr.h qrangect.h qwindowsstyle.h
qgvector.h qrect.h qwinexport.h
qhbox.h qregexp.h qwizard.h
qhbuttongroup.h qregion.h qwmatrix.h
sher at Dell:/usr/share/qt3/include$ ls
private qhostaddress.h qscrollbar.h
q1xcompatibility.h qhttp.h qscrollview.h
qabstractlayout.h qiconset.h qsemaphore.h
qaccel.h qiconview.h qsemimodal.h
qaction.h qimageformatplugin.h qserversocket.h
qapp.h qimage.h qsession.h
qapplication.h qinputdialog.h qsessionmanager.h
qarray.h qintcache.h qsettings.h
qasciicache.h qintcach.h qsgistyle.h
qasciidict.h qintdict.h qshared.h
qasyncimageio.h qinterlacestyle.h qsignal.h
qasyncio.h qiodev.h qsignalmapper.h
qbig5codec.h qiodevice.h qsignalslotimp.h
qbitarray.h qjiscodec.h qsimplerichtext.h
qbitarry.h qjpegio.h qsizegrip.h
qbitmap.h qjpunicode.h qsize.h
qbrush.h qkeycode.h qsizepolicy.h
qbttngrp.h qkeysequence.h qsjiscodec.h
qbuffer.h qlabel.h qslider.h
qbuttongroup.h qlayout.h qsocketdevice.h
qbutton.h qlcdnumber.h qsocket.h
qcache.h qlcdnum.h qsocketnotifier.h
qcanvas.h qlibrary.h qsocknot.h
qcdestyle.h qlined.h qsortedlist.h
qcheckbox.h qlineedit.h qsound.h
qchkbox.h qlistbox.h qspinbox.h
qcleanuphandler.h qlist.h qsplashscreen.h
qclipboard.h qlistview.h qsplitter.h
qclipbrd.h qlocalfs.h qsqlcursor.h
qcollect.h qmainwindow.h qsqldatabase.h
qcollection.h qmap.h qsqldriver.h
qcolordialog.h qmemarray.h qsqldriverplugin.h
qcolor.h qmenubar.h qsqleditorfactory.h
qcombobox.h qmenudata.h qsqlerror.h
qcombo.h qmenudta.h qsqlfield.h
qcommonstyle.h qmessagebox.h qsqlform.h
qcompactstyle.h qmetaobject.h qsql.h
qconfig.h qmetaobj.h qsqlindex.h
qconnect.h qmime.h qsqlpropertymap.h
qconnection.h qmlined.h qsqlquery.h
qcstring.h qmngio.h qsqlrecord.h
qcursor.h qmodules.h qsqlresult.h
qdatabrowser.h qmotifplusstyle.h qsqlselectcursor.h
qdatastream.h qmotifstyle.h qstack.h
qdatatable.h qmovie.h qstatusbar.h
qdataview.h qmsgbox.h qstring.h
qdatetimeedit.h qmultilinedit.h qstringlist.h
qdatetime.h qmultilineedit.h qstrlist.h
qdatetm.h qmutex.h qstrvec.h
qdeepcopy.h qnamespace.h qstylefactory.h
qdesktopwidget.h qnetwork.h qstyle.h
qdial.h qnetworkprotocol.h qstyleplugin.h
qdialog.h qnp.h qstylesheet.h
qdict.h qobjcoll.h qsyntaxhighlighter.h
qdir.h qobjdefs.h qtabbar.h
qdns.h qobjectcleanuphandler.h qtabdialog.h
qdockarea.h qobjectdefs.h qtabdlg.h
qdockwindow.h qobjectdict.h qtable.h
qdom.h qobject.h qtabwidget.h
qdragobject.h qobjectlist.h qtextbrowser.h
qdrawutil.h qpaintdc.h qtextcodecfactory.h
qdrawutl.h qpaintdevicedefs.h qtextcodec.h
qdropsite.h qpaintdevice.h qtextcodecplugin.h
qdstream.h qpaintdevicemetrics.h qtextedit.h
qeditorfactory.h qpaintd.h qtextstream.h
qerrormessage.h qpainter.h qtextview.h
qeucjpcodec.h qpair.h qt.h
qeuckrcodec.h qpalette.h qthread.h
qevent.h qpdevmet.h qthreadstorage.h
qeventloop.h qpen.h qtimer.h
qfeatures.h qpicture.h qtl.h
qfiledef.h qpixmapcache.h qtoolbar.h
qfiledialog.h qpixmap.h qtoolbox.h
qfiledlg.h qplatinumstyle.h qtoolbutton.h
qfile.h qpmcache.h qtooltip.h
qfileinf.h qpngio.h qtranslator.h
qfileinfo.h qpntarry.h qtsciicodec.h
qfocusdata.h qpointarray.h qtstream.h
qfontdatabase.h qpoint.h qurl.h
qfontdialog.h qpolygonscanner.h qurlinfo.h
qfont.h qpopmenu.h qurloperator.h
qfontinf.h qpopupmenu.h qutfcodec.h
qfontinfo.h qprintdialog.h quuid.h
qfontmet.h qprinter.h qvalidator.h
qfontmetrics.h qprndlg.h qvaluelist.h
qframe.h qprocess.h qvaluestack.h
qftp.h qprogbar.h qvaluevector.h
qgarray.h qprogdlg.h qvariant.h
qgb18030codec.h qprogressbar.h qvbox.h
qgbkcodec.h qprogressdialog.h qvbuttongroup.h
qgcache.h qpsprn.h qvector.h
qgdict.h qptrcollection.h qvgroupbox.h
qgeneric.h qptrdict.h qwaitcondition.h
qgif.h qptrlist.h qwhatsthis.h
qglcolormap.h qptrqueue.h qwidcoll.h
qgl.h qptrstack.h qwidgetfactory.h
qglist.h qptrvector.h qwidget.h
qglobal.h qpushbt.h qwidgetintdict.h
qgplugin.h qpushbutton.h qwidgetlist.h
qgrid.h qqueue.h qwidgetplugin.h
qgridview.h qradiobt.h qwidgetstack.h
qgroupbox.h qradiobutton.h qwindefs.h
qgrpbox.h qrangecontrol.h qwindowdefs.h
qguardedptr.h qrangect.h qwindowsstyle.h
qgvector.h qrect.h qwinexport.h
qhbox.h qregexp.h qwizard.h
qhbuttongroup.h qregion.h qwmatrix.h
qheader.h qrtlcodec.h qworkspace.h
qhgroupbox.h qscrbar.h qxml.h
sher at Dell:/usr/share/qt3/include$
Benjamin Sher
delphi123 at zebra.net
Benjamin Sher
delphi123 at zebra.net
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